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Vendors Info


Dealers Den Hours

  • Saturday - 10am - 6pm - Closed from 12:30-1:00 for lunch
  • Sunday - 10am - 6pm - Closed from 12:30-1:00 for lunch
  • Monday - 10am - 5pm - Closed from 12:30-1:00 for lunch
  • Vendor setup time is one hour before the scheduled opening time
  • We may be able to do a mass setup Friday Evening
  • All setups must be taken down by 6pm on Monday

Artist Alley Hours

  • Saturday - 11am - 5pm
  • Sunday - 11am - 5pm
  • Monday - 11am - 4pm
  • Vendor setup time is half an hour before the scheduled opening time
  • All vendors must have their setup taken down within a half hour of the closing time.

Please note: Vendors from outside of Canada should also make sure that they are in compliance with the requirements to sell their wares in Canada. (There are no temporary business license requirements to sell in BC.)

Table Costs

Dealers Den - Advance Booking

  • Weekend Booking - $100

Note: Booking not available at event.

Artist Alley - Advance Booking

  • Full Day - $40
  • Half Day - $20

Artist Alley - At Event

  • Full Day - $50
  • Half Day - $25
General Information
  • Table Size: 6' x 24". 1 table max, per vendor due to limited space.
  • The event does not guarantee Wi-Fi Service, but will make best efforts to provide. Please come prepared with a backup option if necessary.
  • Electricity is not guaranteed but we will attempt to provide. Please contact us about this.
  • If there are more applications than we have space for, table spaces will be awarded by a committee.
  • Dealers Den is in a secured room, and will only be open to badge holders. Outside of DD hours and setup time you will not be able to access the room. If you forget something important in the room you can contact the DD lead, however there is no guarantee you will be able to access it before the next day.
  • Artist Alley will be in a public area and will not be secured.
  • During hours of operation, please do not leave your wares unattended. We will not be held responsible if things go missing. If you must leave your table unattended please inform the DD lead who will keep an eye on your table to the best of their abilities.
  • If you are in Dealers Den you may leave your table set up throughout the event. If you are in Artist Alley, you must take down your table set up at the end of each day.
  • Please inform the Dealers Den lead if you are leaving or if you need to step away for a moment. If you leave your table for more than 30 mins without informing the lead, we will assume you have left, and will let a waitlisted person know a table is open.
  • Be sure to read our Code of Conduct

What Can I Sell?

  • Please only sell content you are legally allowed to sell in BC, Canada.
  • Pirated, copyright infringing works, etc. may be requested by staff to be taken down. If this is not adhered to, if we find repeat offenders, or if the offense is severe, you may be asked to leave without refund.
  • Any material (pre-made or in the works) containing violent, gorey and/or sexually explicit depictions must not be accessible to minors, including literature. Common practice is to keep them in a binder and check government issued photo ID of anyone wishing to look through it. Convention badges are not proof of age in any way! Adult content inside binders should still have explicit portions censored in some fashion.
  • Food and drink are not permitted to be sold at Howl
  • AI generated artwork is not permitted to be sold at Howl

How to reserve a table slot

  • Step 1 - Register for the event.
  • Step 2 - Submit your application. (Closed)
  • Step 3 - Wait for our email to confirm whether you have received a spot. If you do not receive a spot, you will be placed on a waitlist.
  • Step 4 - Reply to the email to confirm your interest in taking your spot.
  • Step 5 - Follow the instructions sent to you to pay for your table, or you may pay at the event.

How to get a table at con


When Can I apply?

Applications for both Dealers Den, and Artist Alley will be open Fri March 29th at 5pm, and will close Tues April 30th at 5pm.

How many tables will there be?

There will be 28 tables in the Dealers Den, and 5 in Artist Alley for a grand total of 33 tables!

Why only weekend booking in the Dealers Den?

We had more interest than we had space last year. With the convention growing in numbers we expect there to be even more interest this year! Because of this Dealers Den will be for those who wish to vend for the entire event, and Artist Alley will be for those wanting to vend for 1-2 days.

Why are there only 5 Artist Alley Tables?

Deciding how many tables to have is a balancing act. We want there to be lots of vendors for the attendees to choose from, but also for those Vendors to feel they are getting enough business to make the convention a profitable event for them. At this time 33 total vendors feels like the correct amount for our expected level of attendance. As the con grows we can add more and more vendors, so drag your friends along!

Can I still get a table at the event?

Yes, but depending on the amount of advanced bookings space will be very limited. As we are now having a separate Artist Alley space, we will not be reserving a table for at-event bookings.

Can I have an assistant?

Yes! You will be able to have one table assistant registered.

Can I split a table?

Yes however to keep things simple in the reg system, please have 1 person apply and list who you will be sharing with on the application.

Will Masks be required in the vendor spaces?

No, however we strongly encourage attendees to wear a mask not just in the vendor spaces, but throughout the event. We will have masks available for free at the entrance to Dealers Den, and throughout the hotel. We also strongly encourage all attendees to practice proper hygiene, including washing your hands, or using hand sanitizer on a regular basis, and especially after being in high-traffic areas.

Art by Temrin
Art by Temrin